Tuesday, June 9, 2009

st. gabriels campfire!

hi all!

12 june, friday, 6.45, st. gab's at serangoon. :D

dont' have his email, so those interested you guys could wait for his email, or tell me first.



  1. Hi guys,

    This is Sherman here, your APL. As I have yet to gather all yur emails, I shall post the patrol log allocations for this year here. I will try to email you the file once I get your email. You could also email me at yongkian_sherman@yahoo.com.sg.

    Regarding the plogs, do note that all the assigned plogs below MUST BE SUBMITTED BY TERM 3 WEEK 1. Thus, we will need to collect the plogs before then. Each person need to do around 3-4plogs each, depending on the act covered. Do note some guidelines for writing a plog. For acts that are 2-3hours long, word limit is 600-700 words. For acts that are 5-6hours long (sat act, for eg), word limit is 1.5k. For camps that are 2-3days long, word limit is 3-4k. For 5-day camp, it is around 5k. However, it is better if you write more. Below are the allocations:

    Patrol logs assignment list 2009

    1)Raffles Trail Preparation Session – 5/1 (Mon) Adam
    2)Raffles Trail Preparation Session 2 – 7/1 (Wed) Eugene
    3)Raffles Trail – 9/1 (Sat) Chinna
    4)Batch Project Planning – 12/1 (Mon) Sherman
    5)Batch Bonding Bonanza – 14/1 (Wed) Luchen
    6)Skills Revision – 21/1 (Wed) Tony
    7)QM Session – 28/1 (Wed) Yenter
    8)Foot drill Training – 2/2 (Mon) Eugene
    9)Visions Activity – 11/2 (Wed) Adam
    10)Sec 1 Orientation – 14/1 (Sat) Jiasheng
    11)World Scout Badge Teaching – 16/2 (Mon) Weiteng
    12)World Scout Badge Testing/Overnight Investiture Briefing – 18/2 (Wed) Jathniel
    13)Fun Act – The Godfather – 25/2 (Wed) Sean
    14)Overnight Investiture Camp – 28-29/3 (Fri and Sat) Adam
    15)Muster Parade/Jobweek Briefing – 4/3 (Wed) Sherman
    16)SUTC Briefing & Preparation – 9/3 (Mon) Chinna
    17)SUTC Preparation 2 – 11/3 (Wed) Sean
    18)Jobweek Day 1 and 2 – 14-15/3 (Sat and Sun) Yenter
    19)SUTC – 16-18/3 (Mon to Wed) Jathniel
    20)Campfire Briefing and Prep 1 – 25/3 (Wed) Chinna
    21)Campfire Prep 2 – 30/3 (Mon) Tony
    22)Campfire Prep 3 – 6/4 (Mon) Jiasheng
    23)Campfire Prep 4 – 8/4 (Wed) Luchen
    24)Campfire Prep 5 – 13/4 (Mon) Eugene
    25)Campfire Prep 6 – 15/4 (Wed) Weiteng
    26)Campfire Prep 7 – 18/4 (Sat) Sean
    27)Campfire Prep – 20/4 (Mon) Weiteng
    28)Campfire Prep – 22/4 (Wed) Jiasheng
    29)01 75th Anniversary Campfire – 25/4 (Sat) Chinna
    30)Patrol Fun Act – 4/5 (Mon) Jathniel
    31)AC Prep (in replacement of Neighbourhood Run) - 13/5 (Wed) Jiasheng
    32)Mini Olympics – 16/5 (Sat) Sherman
    33)AC Prep – 18/5 (Mon) Luchen
    34)AC Prep – 20/5 (Wed) Eugene
    35)Open house Prep – 22/5 (Fri) Sean
    36)Open House – 23/5 (Sat) Luchen
    37)AC Prep – 25/5 (Mon) Tharun
    38)AC Prep (Last) – 27/5 (Wed) Adam
    39)Poles-shifting Act – 30/5 (Sat) Tony
    40)Annual Camp – 1-5/6 (Mon to Fri) Yenter
    41)QM Session (PLs and APLs) – 11/6 (Thursday) Sherman

    Do note that for plogs 27,28,31,34, they are not confirmed as I was unable to confirm the act and its type. If those doing them can remember the act stated as correct then do do so accordingly. However, if they are non-correct, pls tell me anytime. Also, act 39 may not require a plog, I will update Tony regarding this at a later date.

    Anyway, I will send a sample plog to you all soon for reference, especially for the sec 1s. Do also note that patrol logs are meant to be COCKY AND FUN so you can write about the acts in a very funny way. Do try to do all the plogs by the last week of the holiday nd send to me or Yenter. DO HAVE A GOOD HOLS! :D

    Sherman Tan

  2. @ Sherman
    Hi, Luchen here.
    Either by sheer coincidence or by some kind of twisted fate, I didn't go for 3 of the 4 acts you want me to wirte about. Namely, Batch bonding bonanza(I have no memories of it anyway), Open House, and AC prep 1. Either I can churn out generic crap like 'It was a fun day, I learnt a lot from this experience', or you can give me something else to write about.
    Note: Please tell me asap, since I may not be able to come on the computer next work coz i have to chiong holiday homework, seeing that i haven't done any.
