Annual Camp!
Pre-Annual Camp
There were loads of stuff to be done before Annual Camp. Yea. ): I would say that probably one-quarter of the tan I had gained after Annual Camp was from pre-annual camp. The Pre-Annual Camp Act was brilliant (hur-hur geddit, brilliant?) (Actually I don't, but if you do, great!) We moved the poles from Braddell Westlake to RJC, unbundled it, sorted it, and then bundled it back again. It's just so fun, isn't it? And then we shifted it to the shade and out of the way.
And then for Annual Camp day 1 what would be the one of the first few things we would do? You guessed it! Ok maybe you didn't, but you ought to have to, seeing that I had spent one whole paragraph talking about it. You still don't? No, it's not the tan part, read it again. Are you sure? Really sure? No no, it's not the moving of poles! Oh man, you really don't get it? I thought it was really obvious. We unbundled the poles! There! What, you're saying it wasn't obvious? It SO was, ok! Ok, maybe not that obvious, seeing I only spent two words on it in the previous paragraph, but it's quite common sense, don't you think? Unless you are somehow devoid of common sense, or like spent it by automatically opening this volume of plogs. Oh well, just in case you have no idea what common sense it (but then it wouldn't be common sense any more, would it, since it wouldn't be common to every human being. Or maybe it's just you, some weird being devoid of common sense. Oh man, how I P.T. You. [hur-hur geddit? PT you! Hur-hur. ][Ok this time I got it, you ought to get it too]) here is a definition of common sense from wikipedia (see how kind I am)
Common sense (or, when used attributively as an adjective, commonsense, common-sense, or commonsensical), based on a strict construction of the term, consists of what people in common would agree on: that which they "sense" (in common) as their common natural understanding. Some people (such as the authors of Merriam-Webster Online) use the phrase to refer to beliefs or propositions that — in their opinion — most people would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". Thus "common sense" (in this view) equates to the knowledge and experience which most people allegedly have, or which the person using the term believes that they do or should have.
And again, there are some of you people who don't trust wikipedia, with all it being a collaboration and people who contribute to it are not experts but just normal everyday people, and sometimes not even that, but even worse. GASP what kind of people are there in the world today, you think? I feel that the world is dropping in terms of standard and how people are acting nowadays. I mean like, look at... hmm... uhh... UHMM... oh man I give up. Oh well, where was I. Oh ya, so for those of you who don't trust wikipedia, here's a definition from (google trusts it, so I think you should too! :D)
Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment.
[Translation of Latin sēnsus commūnis, common feelings of humanity.]
As I'm writing this, I'm getting high on chocolate that I'm going to get now.
*gets chocolate*
So that now you know what's common sense, we would all have common knowledge about common sense (hur-hur) but that doesn't fix the problem about you not having common sense if you don't. But that's not the point of the plog anw.
yea. so that's an excerpt (just a note, i spent 402 words talking about common sense). of course, this is roughly in proportion from the fact that the whole plog has to be 5k words. if your plog needs to be about 700+ - 800 words, probably just like, 150 words? of this random GL crap. yea. :D
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