Friday, September 4, 2009

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: rui liang koh <>
To: 01-2007 <>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 September 2009 7:54:29
Subject: [01-2007] Night Hike


Hi guys,

These are the details for the pioneering + night hike activity on Saturday:
- 5th to 6th September
- Reporting time: 8am on the 5th (Saturday)
- Dismissal time: 8.30am on the 6th (Sunday)
- Reporting venue: Braddell Westlake (IMPT)
- Dismissal: Junior Block Atrium
- Reporting attire: PE

1) Extra PE for changing
2) Scout Uniform (including beret)
3) Bathing toiletries - Soap, Towel, etc
4) Smaller hiking bag
5) Water bottle - It must be fully filled
6) Wallet and Handphone (most likely will be collected)
7) Groundsheet

1) Snacks are allowed =)
2) Patrol First-aid kit
3) Camera for some competition
4) Slippers for the night

Yeah, just forward to your patrol members.


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