Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Plog Allocation

Hello. This is to allocate "The Godfather"'s plog to Eugene! *claps*

So, just for the record:

Eugene and Adam: You guys owe me Raffles Trail prep 1 & 2, and Raffles Trail plogs. So this is to make you two even. :D

For the Sec 1s, plogs are shortform of patrol logs, which need to be submitted at the end of the year. they are about 1.5k to 2.5k words, and are mostly crap. xD. fun crap. XD. yea.

and eugene and adam, you guys have till wednesday to do hor. everything. which is like quite late liao.

and chinna, in advance, would you please do plogs for overnight camp. :D

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